Monday, May 9, 2011

Another blog of me babbling...babbleing?...babling?...babble-ing.

Just a little bit about M-day and some weird dreams...
So yesterday was Mother's Day. And it was my first as a mom. I mean, the baby isn't technically born yet. But I'm still nurturing it and everything. But anyways, Matt made me a bubble bath as a sort of relaxation present. But after I got out, I took a nap that turned into me just sleeping for the night.

And I had some really weird dreams. I can't really remember the first one. Except for the fact that my friend's Bri and Connor were going out and they were both SUPER awkward about it. And then in my second dream, it had something to do with this guy trying to rape me and my friend- only I got out and was running down the street but no one was out there so I wen t back to the house to save my friend and I ended up beating this guy up...but then he turned into a was weird. And then I had some nightmare. But I can't remember it at all. But I remember waking up and posting to fb that I was tired of having nightmares...And then I had yet ANOTHER dream that had something to do with everyone going to a "play" and in order to go on stage during the intermission, you had to go through a series of questions and I was doing really poorly so I couldn't even get on stage until the last minute. And I grabbed some firewood (which was the whole purpose of getting on stage) but as I was walking across stage, I accidently dropped it and it ended up hitting this girl in the front row. I felt really bad but the stage manager brought me a PB and J. I know it doesn't make sense. But eh. that's OK.

PS, don't think I'm weird just because I have weird dreams. I mean, I can't really help it you know?   :P

OK, moving on to things about freebies...
Take It From Me has a few giveaways going on right now that I just wanted to make reference to.
First, there's one for a bra from Elle Macpherson Intimates. Basically, there are a bunch of nursing bras and they're going to give one away. I really hope I win because I don't have a nursing bra yet. But anyways, here's the link if you're interested.
Second, they're doing a giveaway for a set of Bummas eco friendly baby wipes. I think these things are totally awesome and I love their colors. I still have to get wipes so it would be great to win these.   :)  Here's the link for that:
Third, they are also doing a giveaway for eco-friendly newborn pacifiers. I don't have any pacifiers. I was thinking I wasn't going to get any. Buuuuuut my mom said that I'll probably want at least three in my diaper bag alone. So....I should probably buy some, huh? But if I win some, I won't have to buy as many.   :)  Here's the link:
Forth: they're doing a giveaway for a Chicken Soup for the Soul for New Moms. I used to read Chicken Soup all the time. But not so much anymore. But hey. If I won this book, maybe I'd get back into it.    ;)  Link:
Fifth: They're also doing a giveaway (imagine that!  XD) for a set of swaddle blankets. The funny thing is that if I win, they're going to ask me what color I want (blue or pink) and I don't know.  XP  But anyways, here's the link:
Sixth: (wow, I'm entered in a lot of giveaways right now...) they're doing a giveaway for a "mosaic kit" from Creativity for Kids. I really want to get the picture frame. I think it would work out quite well for me.   :)  Link for anyone who's interested:
Seventh: They're doing a giveaway for a UV SKinz product. I really want the tent because it looks awesome. And plus, you can use it at any age (unlike the clothes which are, obviously, only usable while they fit.   :P   Link:

That's all from Take it From Me so far today. Thanks for reading (not that anyone's going to read this anyways).

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